Friday, May 25, 2012

My Parents Want Me to Go to Medical School

Life Recap:
I graduated with a BA in Media Arts, minor in Business Management, and an honors degree just a few months ago. (Were my Media Arts classes the easiest classes I have ever taken? Maybe. Does that matter?) Since graduation, I've been taking some time to figure out where to go next with my career. In the mean time, husband and I started and operate a company in which we make commercials and rent equipment. Graduated from college and own my own company. I would say I'm doing OK so far.

My parents called.

Mom and Dad: (on speakerphone while in the car): Oh hello favorite daughter! How is it going?
Me: Great. Just taking time to figure out what's next. Projects are a little slow right now.
Mom and Dad: Well we think you should go to Med School. It would be a great fit. We will even help pay for it.
Me: .....(silence).... um... that's nice.

Even after I got my degree. Oh you sly parents.  I really kind of like filmmaking. Medical School? Have you met me? I think you have to memorize things there. I can't remember my home phone number. I'm not even sure if I capitalized the right words in the title of this post. I think I will say no, but thank you for the offer.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I've got to say, my parents have been my best support, BUT I've been asked MORE times than I can remember: "Film huh, so what's your backup plan?". My thoughts, "Backup plan? BACKUP plan? Do Doctors go into medicine with a Backup plan? What makes you so sure I will fail? And did you hear me, I want to go into film...mostly because all of those 'backup' plans make me want to slit my writs. No, there is no backup plan...but if I fail, I can always go into real estate or insurance right?" lol.
