Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I accidentally bought a puppy

I swear it was an ACCIDENT, just a complicated one. It starts with an apologetic boyfriend who really wants to get married and a girl who isn’t ready to commit, so is looking for things to distract him.

It started with a little hint dropping from both of us-
Boyfriend: So have you ever thought about what type of ring you’re interested in?
Me: Oh, not really. But do you know what I thought about buying?

I had never had a dog before, but I didn't have a lot to do because I had the easiest major in college: FILM. (kids if you don’t have a major yet – sign up for film now!) So I had a bit of free time due to the fact that my homework was watching movies and my finals were two-page papers. I was working hard on “school work” meaning I went to “production meetings” where all our friends reserved a classroom and we talked about movies. Or "location scouting" where I drove around drinking Sonic diet cokes and looking for cool houses to film. Life was pretty good and I obviously didn’t have enough to do because I wanted to get a dog.  

It was really a joke. I lived with three other girls in an anti pet apartment with no yard; there was no feasible way I could care for a puppy. 

The puppy-buying was really SITUATIONAL. One day we had to find something to do for an hour and we just HAPPENED to be next to a pet store. After about 10 minutes I was holding the most adorable thing I had ever seen. A puggle puppy.

It’s a mix between a PUG and a BEAGLE. Sounds like a bad idea, but it’s not.
I am holding this puppy and thinking "this is the most precious little thing in the whole world, how could I possibly go another minute without this puppy in my lifeI must take it and give it all the love possible". PLUS - the kids working there told me she was already potty trained.  The puppy snuggled up into my arm.  Sold.

We managed to gather up every responsible thought and put the puppy back. We walked out the door and drove to our BBQ. 30 minutes later we were back at the pet store. It's something about those little pleading eyes. They look up at your like you are the best thing since sliced bread, and they need your help. I thought, THIS PUPPY IS HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH ME AND I MUST SAVE IT FROM THE PET STORE.

Did you know puppies are expensive? I didn't.  It cost me something like $400. And then I realized I didn’t even know what puppies ate. We had to admit that we didn't own anything to take care of a living creature- and the employees gave me that look like oh, great. So they started to pile on the goods:  bed, the leash, the collar, the dog food, etc.  I was starting to get a little nervous. Puppy litter box? (OK honest moment I knew right then that I was making a mistake. I don’t even have a rational place to let this dog live. )

But then you look at this little puppy’s face and your heart melts. How can you say no to this face?

So we took the pup back to Boyfriend's apartment and started to think up names. Part II will continue later when I figure out a way to politely explain how a puppy falls 3 stories. SPOILER - she lives. 

1 comment:

  1. So where do I buy these SWAG kids clothes, incase you go to a baby store and accidentally bring home a baby. lol
