Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Built My Own Website Using HTML

I decided it was time to buy the web address with my name on it. (For example:  But when you BUY a URL, you still have to BUILD the page. And pages don't magically come with nice layouts like blogging sites provide for you. Husband was trying to convince me that I should buy a Cargo layout that we use for our company website. $100 a year for a generic layout? No way, Jose. I thought to myself, I can build my own website! Don't they teach kids in elementary school to build webpages? If a 9 year old can do it, so can I! 

SPOILER:  it looks like a 9 year old built it.

I found "Beginner html Lessons" and started learning simple stuff like all webpages begin and end with <html> and </html>. I am using a program called text edit, so you type in the code, save it as an html, and then open it as a webpage when you are done. This means you can spend a ton of time typing stuff out and have no idea if it's going to work until you're done. I learned this the hard way.

Webpage #1:

 To be honest I don't even know why it was blank.  I started over.
Webpage #2:

 Page 2 at least has some words, and a header! Hooray for content! Suddenly I am realizing you have to have something to say on a website. WHAT AM I GOING TO WRITE ON MY SITE? It's a work in progress. Maybe I'll just post a bunch puppy videos. 

Webpage #3:

I was really proud of figuring out how to make different background and font colors until I realized this looks like my 4th grade notebook color scheme. 

Webpage #4:

The colors are improving, but I also found out how to create a line! Only it's stuck at the top of the page...

Webpage #5:

Success! I moved the bar down under my name. And I'm realizing indenting everything wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. I'm starting to wonder if this page is going to be something I actually want my name attached to. 

 Webpage #6:
After hours of tedious work I produced page #6 and it has a VIDEO. Hello accomplishment. This page was decent enough for me to admit victory. I also spaced out this first sentence, impressed? OK the design is a disaster, but it's a site with a video and embedded links that work. So I would say its better then 2% of the websites out there. 


  1. Haha, I say good for you. This is better than I could do... My husband is a web developer if you are interested. He LOVES it when people get excited about it, so if you had any questions, he'd be happy to help.

  2. Oh really? That's cool, it takes a lot of skill, he must be pretty smart. Thanks! I may give up soon and default to a layout. I should admit that I have been reading your blog, it's great. Chicago sounds like a lot of fun!
